The CoachmenStory

In 1975, Jack Copeland and several other minor hockey coaches decided to rent a rink – so that playing hockey would benefit their coaching skills. Unofficially, they were called “Jack’s Wednesday Night Senior Men and Woman’s International Non Contact PoCo Rep Hockey-Ripped Division”. Quite the mouthful right?

After a few seasons, the “Poco Old-Timer’s” were short a team for their Thanksgiving tournament and asked the group if they could fill that spot. Accepting, the team borrowed red sweaters and appropriately named themselves “The Red Hawks”.

Following the tournament on a regular scrimmage night, it was decided that the team needed their own name and uniforms. The following week, all the players came back with suggestions – promptly, Jim Bobb suggested “Coachmen” but no one was impressed. So they threw around all sorts of names – some of the highlights include:

Old Puckers, Old Farts, Has Beens, Never Weres, Fud Puckers

All were rejected for obvious reasons. After many beers it was getting time for people to leave but they had yet to make a decision. Jim reminded the group of why they were together in the first place – for their love of coaching. Herb Barge swiftly chimed in that he had a great idea for a team crest, so from that point on in History, the group was known as “The Coachmen”


est. 1975

Bob Adams

Herb Barge

Don Clapper

Bill Copeland

Jack Copeland

Jack Copeland


Claire Doerkson

Tim Moulson

Don Sanbourin

George Speck

Wayne Tourand